Ochulor, Sam Sodje, Onogagamue in last minute rush for Sports Commision.

By James Dafe

With time running out for the State Governor, Rt Hon Sheriff Oborevwori to name those that will be in charge of the Delta State Sports Commision for the next four years, our sources in Government House has revealed that Harrison Ochulor, Sam Sodje, Victor Onogagamue have all intensified their lobby .
Our source who will not want to be named disclosed that Ochulor is banking on the connection of his wife with the Governor while others are seriously making moves by reaching out to influential politicians in the State.

Victor Onogagamue was said to have sent out his curriculum details to top politicians to help convince the Governor while Sam Sodje is relying on family members who are close to the Governor. 
Our source also revealed that Onos Oborevwori , Moses Etu,  Daniel Mayuku, Ernest Juweto, Godwin Adode, Fred Majemite,   are some of the names being propelled by powerful group within the Government. 
Our source revealed that the Governor is seriously considering the above names and may announce the team.any moment from.now.  
It would be recalled that the tenure of the last board expired in early February and the Sports Commision presently looked like a grave yard.

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